Friday, December 23, 2011
Sorry, It's Christmas!
Been a little swamped as of late, sorry for my long absence. A couple of things before the holiday breaks, I know how much Christmas means to you, but you know how sad I get around this time of the year. Sorry, it's Christmas once again and it won't be as festive as you want it to be. I still grieve for them especially now that we've taken over the house. Memories just come flooding in.
Let's talk about it when I get home. But please don't stop yourself short from doing your holiday shopping, I do want you to have fun.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Sorry for Making You Wait
Baby I'm sorry I left you waiting for hours. I didn't mean to be so rude. Our internets was down and my mobile had no signal to boot. Please forgive me, I know you had a horrible day... I love you and miss you!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Sorry Goodbye
I have had it. I'm leaving.
You have not done anything the past months and years to improve our lives instead you let things slide and we end up living in squalor. Sorry, but as shameful as it is, I cannot let our children live in such misery. We are better off on our own. Don't worry I can manage raising the kids and I won't be asking for money from you, since I know you have no plans of getting a job or providing properly for your kids. You are hopeless, I'm sorry. I just hope you do wake up and realize sitting around and moping how depressing things are doesn't help. It doesn't help your family or even yourself. I do hope you get yourself together.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Sorry for Letting You Down
On this day, I just want you to know how sorry I am for letting you down. I could have done a better job taking care of you, sorry I took you for granted. You know how I feel about you and I would do everything I can to set things right again. Please don't be too angry for too long, I can't stand this.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Apology Letter to Mom About Not Calling Her
Sorry. I don't call as often as I should. I've been in such a bind at work lately. But really I meant to call, I didn't intend to miss your special day without saying a word. Do expect a surprise from me. I love you, Mama!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Sorry, I Regret What I've Done
Sorry I've put you in such a terrible, terrible position. I understand where your anger is coming from. But I hope you could answer your phone, I would really like to talk to you personally about this. At least, hear my side. I regret what I've done. I would gladly walk away from all of this, just tell me so.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Sorry to See You Go Letter
I've heard the news, wish you had told me sooner and I'm really taking this to heart. I will miss you terribly, you do know how much you mean to me and how being together almost everyday has only made me appreciate your company more. The news of you leaving is not easy for me to take, my dear friend. I'm sorry to see you go. I wish things didn't have to end like this and too soon. I'm sorry, I wish I made the most of it with you.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Sorry for Being Stupid
Dear Georgette,
I know we're not on speaking terms now. Still I would like to say I'm sorry and I really mean it. I'm sorry for doing all those stupid things, I deeply regret it. I know it really got you upset and disappointed. It was something I did on impulse, a reaction to that particular moment, I didn't mean to offend you in anyway.
If you would like to talk things over just let me know.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sorry for Humiliating Incident
I am so sorry I raised my voice at you. I just realized how much I've hurt you, it was mean of me to do that in front of your friends. I didn't mean to humiliate you, my actions and words were out of my sincere concern for you. I promise I will never speak to you like that again. Please forgive me. You know how much I love you.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Forgive Me: A Sorry Letter to a Good Friend
I would like to sincerely apologize for all the hurt and pain I've caused you and your family. It was never my intention to hurt or offend anyone. I would just like to rectify the situation between us. I cannot bear the thought that I have hurt a very good friend with my callous actions and tactless words. I hope in time you will come to forgive me.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Sorry We Couldn't Call You
Sorry we couldn't call you. My Mom and I are at the hospital. Don't worry we're all alright! We had a car accident on the way there and our phones got lost. My mom just wanted to let you know. But we are okay, really no serious injuries and no one became unconscious throughout the ordeal. I had a few stitches done, but they turned out to be superficial scrapes. Call us as soon as you get this.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
I'm Sorry You're On Your Own
Sorry to hear about the incident at midnight.
Although what happened was clearly a tragedy, it doesn't take away from the fact that you were responsible for her. It's very disappointing that you exposed her to that kind of situation. Please do not tell me that it was beyond your control or that the expense to do the right thing was too great. I feel sorry that people will judge you for what happened that night.
Yes, its true that no matter what you do to apologize, you will not always appease people especially family. I'm sorry to say this, but there is little if any help for I can offer, you are on your own on this one.
Friday, September 2, 2011
A Sorry Angry Letter to Girlfriend: I Feel Sorry for You
I really feel sorry for you that you would go a mile for something this stupid. Stop assuming things, you're not involved in this in any way and its much better if you stop pretending that you care. You're just so self-absorbed, please do not bother me again with this- no matter how sorry you are, it won't make things better between us. I wouldn't have fought back if whole thing wasn't that bad for me. But it is. That's just the price I have to pay if I want this thing to blow over. Sorry, but all I ask of you now is to stay the hell away from me.
Monday, August 29, 2011
I'm Sorry for What I've Done
Dear Katherine,
I'm sorry for what I've done. I did it because at that time, it was more of a reaction to the situation. I felt provoked and intensely hurt. I felt what was said at that time was a very insensitive remark targeted towards me. You may not see it that way, but I had issues with those people from way back and they know how to push my buttons. I didn't mean for you to see me in such a bad light. I was hoping you'd understand me a bit more by now.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
A Writer's Apology for Tasteless Remarks Made
I am deeply apologetic for my insensitivity and the offensive manner in which this article was written, I hear you all and I am properly rebuked. It was truly not my intention to malign, hurt or express prejudice against Overseas Filipino Workers.
Miss M. Fernandez
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Sorry for Fighting
Dear Mom,
I'm sorry for fighting with Calvin and Dan. I'm sorry I got in trouble again today. I wish things were easy for me at school, I don't want to fight back, but I really get angry when they call me names and they call our family really sick things which are not true. Mom, I just hope you believe me that I didn't start the fight. I'm very sorry.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Sorry I Can't Make It to your Party
Thanks for the invite, but sorry but I won't be able to make it. Real Bummer! I'm my sister's babysitter this weekend and with my mom being out of town, I have plenty to deal with at home.
Hope you have a blast at your party!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sorry You've Misunderstood
Sorry, you've misunderstood, I believe its you that's missing the whole point of this entire situation. You may not think my opinion matters, but all my conclusions are based on facts, not hearsay or gossip. Its up to you if you want to believe me, no need to twist things into lies, no need to convince people to be on your side.
The question is, does that matter that you believe me or not? Honestly, I don't care and I feel very, very sorry for your sad soul.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I'm Sorry for Misgivings
I'm sorry that you have misgivings on about what we are to do. As of now we must sacrifice our personal convictions for the good of the many. Our responsibilities are indeed great and they are not always easy, but you must not fret and feel any remorse over our decisions. My apologies if this has been emotionally stressful for you. We are doing everything we can to remedy this bad situation.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Public Apology for Behavior
The past few days have been very disheartening for me and my family. As you know I have been a subject of a viral video that showed my helplessness during a trying moment. As it stands right now, I have several hate pages in Facebook and Twitter with hurtful and derogatory messages attacking my person. The reputation that I built the past years has been besmirched. A bad day has now turned into wounded feelings and sleepless nights for me and my family.
I have been silent the past few days as I want this to go away soon but not before saying sorry and thank you to people who matter.
I would like to apologize for my behavior that was seen on nationwide television and now on the internet. It was unfortunate that I was caught on camera immediately after an overwhelmingly stressful mishap.
I would like to again sincerely thank those who braved the flood to help a distraught stranger like me. Their selfless act reminded me of how dependable Filipinos are in times of crisis.
Lastly, I would like to thank my family, friends and all of those who showed empathy, consideration and support throughout these trying times. You have given me strength and courage to rise above and be a better person.
Sincerely yours,
Chris L
Monday, August 1, 2011
Sorry Letter to Dad: I'm Gay
Before anything, I hope you have mom by your side right now.
Sorry Dad, I'm Gay.
I am not apologizing for who I am, I am saying sorry to you for not coming forward with this much sooner and causing you all this pain. I am sorry you had to hear about the real me from someone else and I am quite certain they had said it in a not so thoughtful manner.
I know and you know that for a long time now... that this was coming. This truth about me, that you may find ugly is a very beautiful thing I have kept hidden for so long. I love you and mom very, very much. Being your only son, I know how devastated you would feel, but this is who I am and its not the end of the world Dad. I know in time you will come to accept me and what I am. My love and respect for you will always be the same no matter what. I am your son and that part of me will never change.
All my heart,
Monday, July 25, 2011
Letter Demanding Apology
Dear Mr. Peltier,
Sorry, but a great deal of concern has been expressed about your behavior the last few days. The latest incident reported to us is unfortunately the last straw for any tolerance. From our perspective, the solution is quite straightforward:
Please take a second to think about what you've done, you owe a lot of people in the group an apology. We are not asking you to apologize, we WANT you to apologize.
If this is something you believe you are not up to, then I am sorry to tell you that the consequences on your status will not be pleasant.
Please be advised accordingly.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Sorry but I'm Never Coming Back
I got your email and I really don't know what to say. I think I've said everything that's needed to be said before. Listen as much as you want to hold on to me, I'm sorry, but I'm never coming back. I know its terrible, but it's the reality of the situation, its the ugly truth you have to face. This decision didn't come easy for me, I didn't do it out of haste or on impulse, I had thoughts about leaving you even before things feel apart and before we even broke up. I just had to wait for you to calm down.
We've been through therapy together, counseling and you know we've tried everything there is to sort things out. But it is what it is. Our relationship is not what it used to be. We just have too much to deal with. I'm really sorry, Jen, but I hope you can take your anger towards me and turn it into something positive in your life. You have to be responsible for yourself now, please take better care of yourself. There is so much to life beyond what we had.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Sorry I Cannot Make It
Dear Gail,
Sorry but I cannot make it to your birthday party this Saturday. I know it will be a huge and cool event and I feel really sorry that I won't be there. I'm currently dealing with some family issues I can't bail out on. I hope you understand. Eat some cake for me and enjoy your 35th! Have a blast love!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sorry, but I have to Cancel
Dear Ned,
Sorry but I have to cancel today. This project I'm doing is going down the drain by the minute and they really need me to be there today. I'm really sorry. I hope you understand. I'll see you once I'm done.
Yours Truly,
Saturday, July 16, 2011
We Are Sorry: A Public Apology Letter from CEO

We are sorry.
The News of the World was in the business of holding others to account. It failed when it came to itself.
We are sorry for the serious wrongdoing that occurred. We are deeply sorry for the hurt suffered by the individuals affected.
We regret not acting faster to sort things out. I realize that simply apologizing is not enough.
Our business was founded on the idea that a free and open press should be a positive force in society. We need to live up to this.
In the coming days, as we take further concrete steps to resolve these issues and make amends for the damage they have caused, you will hear more from us.
Rupert Murdoch
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Sorry to Hear about your Breakup
Dear Natalie,
Sorry to hear about your break-up. If I were you, I would’ve ripped out his heart and fed it to the dogs, he's definitely a sorry piece of shit. You deserve better, honey. I know you are going through a tough time, but don't ever feel that you've done anything wrong. To hell with him, go out there- embrace life, seize the day. Its his great big loss and not yours.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Sorry Letter to Girlfriend
Sorry Jane, whatever it is that I have said or done, I apologize for it. I do not like it when you suddenly shut me off and give me the silent treatment. I am aware that perhaps I might have done or said words that could have offended you in some way, but I would like to assure you I had no intention of hurting your feelings that day. Whatever it is... that might have rubbed you the wrong way, I hope we could talk about it. Please give me a fair shot at explaining myself. We have our quirks, but being standoffish won't resolve any of our issues. I am trying here. I have been patient and I have given you the space you need and I have said sorry up to this point in so many ways possible. Come on, call me and let's patch things up.
Catholic Church Public Apology: Betrayal of Public Trust
Dear People of God,
Our Mother Church has been deeply wounded by the controversies in the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office that have erupted in the past two weeks. Some members of the Church believe in the innocence of the bishops involved in the issue, while others do not. There is no doubt that everywhere in the Church there is great sorrow. We your pastors are one with you. As shepherds struggling to love you like Jesus the Good Shepherd, we are sorry for the pain and sadness that these events have brought upon you.
We are saddened that many of you, especially the youth, the poor, our Basic Ecclesial Communities, have been confused because of the apparent inconsistency of our actions with our pastoral preaching.
As we express our sadness, we also ask you to be slow in judgment and to conscientiously seek the whole truth behind the controversy. Let us seek the truth always in charity.
We assure you that the bishops concerned are ready to accept responsibility for their action and to face the consequences if it would be proven unlawful, anomalous, and unconstitutional. We assure you that their action was done without malice. Out of their sincere desire to help their people, they failed to consider the pitfalls to which these grants could possibly lead them. They have also expressed their readiness to do everything that is necessary to heal this wound so that we can all move forward in hope.
We also assure you, our beloved people, that we shall re-examine the manner of our collaboration with government agencies for purposes of helping the poor, making sure that pastoral sensibilities are respected and the highest ethical standards are observed. We shall examine our values in the light of our vocation to be disciples of Jesus Christ. We commit ourselves to the long journey of personal and social transformation required of all disciples of the Lord. We plead with you to walk with us in this path of constant renewal.
We express again our deep sorrow for the pain that the recent events have brought to you our beloved people. The good Lord knows our love for you. The words of the psalmist come to our mind: “My sacrifice, a contrite spirit. A humbled, contrite heart you will not spurn" (Psalm 51).
As the same Psalmist addresses the Lord, we take his words as our own to encourage and challenge us: “Indeed you love truth in the heart; then in the secret of my heart teach me wisdom."
For the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines,
President, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Sorry I Got You Pregnant
Dear Andrea,
I'm sorry love, I got you pregnant. You know how both careful we were, but I guess this baby is just meant to be. I love you and our child, and I wouldn't mind having a baby in our lives. I admit I may not be entirely ready to be a Dad, but I will try because I love you so much and that's just how life goes. I am not afraid to be a Dad if I have you in my life.
But all my feelings aside, I really want to know how you feel about stuff right now- what does your heart tell you? Whatever you decide on the baby, I will respect your decision. I'm sorry I've put you on such a difficult place, but I want you to know that you have all my love and support, I will be there for you every step of the way. Whatever happens, I love you.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Public Apology for Offensive Remark
Dear All,
My name is Rafa S. I recently taped an interview for a show that, as you may have heard, went about as terrible as it could have gone for me. I made an unfortunate joke about what it is like to work with theater actors; a remark which offended countless artists the industry over. I do not defend this comment in any way. Even in the context of poor, ill-advised humor, my statement made light of an art that many among us hold dear and sacred.
Misguided comedy aside, what I meant to infer was that theater actors, in my estimation, are the pinnacle of the thespian craft. They do not put on airs or show up late or complain about the quality of the food or condition of the set and come in day after day after day for little to no money all for their love of acting and performance. It is the work that they feed on: the opportunity to bring life to a nebulous character on an inanimate page.
It was never my intention to look down on or demean stage actors in any shape or form. Some of my best experiences as a director are derived from the pleasure of working with theater people; to be able to feel the dedication and devotion they possess towards their art and to somehow allow that same commitment to diffuse into myself.
One of my dearest friends, my neighbor and actress in my movie, Bea, is herself a shining example of the passion of which I speak. It pains me to know I've hurt her so deeply in assaulting the craft that she loves so much. It is with a clear mind and heavy heart that I extend my heartfelt apology. I have offended any of you, I am sorry. If I've offended; anyone you love, I take the blame. If any of you feel sorry for me; please don't. I built my own coffin of words and nailed it shut with insolence.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I don't expect to be forgiven, but I do hope my family is treated kindly.
Sorry But I Don't Want to Talk About It
Sorry but I don't really want to see you or talk to you at this time. Please understand how hurt I feel. Honestly, I really don't appreciate your tone with me and I really wonder what your intentions are in bringing all this up. I feel sorry for you, if you really want to mend fences apologize to me and my family face-to-face.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Apology letter showing Remorse for Assault
To Whom It May Concern,
My sincerest apologies to Kathleen Morris and James Lowe- I have treated you unfairly with malice and intent, caused you unreasonable physical and emotional harm which to this day, I deeply regret my actions.
In a traffic altercation last June 15, Kathleen and James were subjected to my rude and violent behavior. I fully understand the extent of what I have done; I have done a terrible act towards two fellow human beings and no one deserves to be treated that way. I am solely accountable for my actions and I will accept whatever punishment the court deems appropriate with my offense.
In this regard, I have now taken steps to ensure that no such act of aggression will happen again, I am undergoing therapy and anger management classes to address my personal issues. I am writing this out of my sincere desire to change for the better. I have let my friends, family and the local community down due to my behavior and lack of respect towards other people.
I do hope for your support and understanding on the matter.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sorry for Bad Behavior Letter
To All,
It is with great regret that I have these words to say, I would like to apologize for my uncivilized behavior last Tuesday that has hurt a considerable number of people including those closest and dearest to my heart. I am sorry for letting you all down.
In light of the recent events, I have voluntarily entered an anger management class to deal with my issues. I would like to iterate that for the record, I meant no harm to anyone. But I do understand your anger and outrage regarding the situation. I will do everything I can to rectify my mistakes.
Sincerely sorry,
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Baby I'm Sorry
Dear Isla,
I'm sorry baby that I've hurt you so bad. I know you need some time for the pain to go away. Sorry I've been so bad, I know I've broken your heart in so many ways, but right now I've been hurting too. I need you baby in my life and I hope you can forgive me one day. I know this is not enough of an apology, but I really want to prove to you that things will change... I will change for the better, for us and our relationship, so please do give me a chance to make that change happen. I love you and you know that I really mean it.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
I'm Sorry Dad Letter
Dear Dad,
Since its Father's Day, maybe its about time we set our differences aside and start being a family again. I'm not doing this for mom's sake, but for our sake, life's short and I would rather say sorry now than let this anger grow further between us and split our whole family apart.
I know we don't always meet eye to eye and you don't always believe in my decisions. I always made them with the best and reasonable intentions in mind. Life has always been tough under your watch, but all that discipline and ground rules has made me the man I am today. I hope you can see through our differences and just be what we should be now- Father and son; The way it has always been. I am sorry and I mean it.
I love you, Dad. Happy Father's Day!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Sorry Mom We Misbehaved
Dear Mommy
Sorry we misbehaved and trashed the living room today, we didn't know you had guests coming over. Jenna and I would like to make it up to you and clean up our mess. Please don't be mad at us anymore. We love you. Please don't ground us, Dad already did that for you. We promise to listen and respect your house rules from now on. We're really sorry.
Jenna and Marie
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word
Dear Olivia,
Sorry seems to be the hardest word, I thought it would be easy just to say outright. But it's not. I'm feeling a lot of pain from our last fight because it really hit home for me. I said some cruel things and so did you. But I'm not here to start on that point all over again, it would be moot. We should not let our anger get the best of us.
I find it liberating right now to write what I feel instead, I sincerely want to apologize for what happened and the things I said. I do love you and I hope we can talk things over.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Sorry I Banged your Sister
Sorry, I Banged your Sister. She's hot! What would you have done in my shoes? I like her and she likes me, its a mutual thing. We've known each other for so long and I didn't mean to be disrespectful. I know sisters are hands-off man like sacred cows, but man she's sweet! and now she's the love of my life, so live with it! she's happy!
Teddy F.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
I'm Sorry to See You Go
Dear Julia,
I'm sorry to see you go, but I'm standing by the decision.
I saw how hard you pushed yourself, yet still people are so overly critical of you. I feel for you, but my hands are tied, you know my reasons. Sorry, but I do hope you take it well and see beyond this, that this is not the end of everything. It could be the start of something better for you.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Sorry but you need Help
Dear Chelsea,
Sorry but I cannot just sit back and watch you destroy your life. You need help. You may not want it, but we will not give up on you. I know how difficult it is to admit or accept things, but you obviously have a problem. You do not need to be sorry for it, but if you simply accept the fact you have a problem, this addiction that is slowly killing you, its not too late to make things right.
I love you, but I hope you can see through those urges that the people around you, the ones who love you dearly are suffering terribly seeing you like this. Think about your kids, they love you and they need you to sober up. We are not here to push your buttons or make you feel small, but we miss the old Chelsea who used to love life and would do anything for her kids. This is not you and this is not the life you deserve, you deserve better and we will see to it you will get the best care possible.
Your sister,
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sorry for your Loss
Dear Jill,
I am deeply saddened and shocked to hear about the passing of Mike. He was my dear friend and childhood buddy. Words can never express the difficulty of a passing of a loved one, I have lost family too in recent months, and I, too know how this wounds deeply. I would just like to let you know Mike is in our hearts and will be forever missed.
I am so sorry for your loss.
All our love,
Tyler & family
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sorry, but I am Getting Married
Dear Debra,
Sorry you had to hear it from someone else. But we haven't really seen each other for so long and I don't really know where you live anymore, but the news is true. I am getting married this Sunday to Bertha, and she is really wonderful woman once you get to know her. I met her a few months after we parted ways, when you went out to pursue your dreams. Sincerely I hope things are going good for you as they have been for me.
It would be best if you not show up at the wedding. I hope you understand.
I wish you a good life!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Public Apology: Sorry for Offense
To Whom It May Concern,
My irresponsible actions last August 24, 2011 have caused great sorrow to those in the Bleakwood community. I deeply regret causing harm to a fellow student in my fit of anger.
I know sorry is not enough to rebuild the trust and respect I lost. But I am sincerely committed to change my ways and, I have submitted myself voluntary to a rehab facility and a 2-year anger management program to sort out my personal demons. I am on a 3-year probation on assault charges of which I will serve time for 6 months and a year of community service under the strict supervision of the state. I would like to be forthcoming about my situation and that the grave misdemeanor I've caused will not go unpunished by the law. I hope you will find it in your hearts to forgive me and still be open to the idea that a person like me with a dark past can still opt to change for the better.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Sorry for Bad Tweet on Twitter
Dear Pepper,
I meant no disrespect, I sincerely apologize if I offended you in anyway. The tweet was meant for someone else in my followers list, but I admit it was insensitive of me to tweet it when I'm well aware of what you're going through right now. I'm very sorry. Please check out my new tweet clarifying the issue.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sorry Letter to Daughter After Custody Dispute
Dear Mia,
Sorry, but I tried so hard to fight for you, to be with you and to be there for you. But the court thinks otherwise and that we should be apart. Maybe it is in your best interest to be with your mother. Please love her as much as you love me. Respect her as you would respect me. You will grow up in her care now and I know she will take good care of you. You may not realize it now, though she has her own ways of caring for you, she is your mother and she truly loves you. I will try my damn hardest to see you as often as your mom allows me. I will not waste a moment not seeing you every chance I get- whether its a school night or your birthday or any emergency- you may always call me for anything you need. I am always there for you, honey. You mean more than anything in the world to me and I have you in my thoughts always. I love you, my little pancake.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sorry for Being so Mean
Dear Charlotte,
This lays heavy on my heart, I'm sorry for being so mean to you. I'm sorry for the things I've said, and all the hurtful things I said the past week out of anger. It was very unfair and mean-spirited of me. I realized my mistake and what a horrible person I've become.
You have been such a great friend all these years, I cannot stand losing and damaging our friendship because of what I did. I will try my best to set things right between us, I hope in time you would find it in your heart to forgive me.
Sorry for Mixed Feelings Letter
Sorry for the mix signals, I know that you feel that we have some sort of a special connection. But to me its a missed connection, I have mixed feelings about you and I can't see myself in a relationship with you. I just want to be truthful because in the end, honesty is what matters most.
I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me for what seemed to be a time of confusion. I did not intentionally lead you on, but to let this continue and for you to believe that there's something for both of us here- would be just cruel and unjust. I have faith that we are and always be the best of friends.
Monday, March 14, 2011
I'm Sorry Please Forgive Me
A sorry letter to friends for abandoning them
Dear Friends,
I have to choose very well the words I'm going to say. I'm going ahead as plan and fix my problems. I'm sorry to abandon you guys at this time, but I need to set myself straight. I am at a very dark place right now and you need not be involved in. My problems are not of the usual sort and its better legally, if you not associate yourselves with me for now. Please have it your heart to forgive me. I am very sorry.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Sorry for my Mistakes
A Sorry Letter for all the Mistakes made by a love one.
Dear Wife,
Thank you for being there as I am facing tremendous pressure from all sides, your support means a lot to me. I have certainly made a lot of mistakes in my life, and I am sorry for every little one of them. My bad judgement calls and my faulty conviction has made me unable to uphold what's right at the toughest of times. Thank you for shedding light where I have gone wrong, I am truly and terribly sorry as I have learned so much from this experience, I have no intention of repeating all these ghastly mistakes again. I abhor the idea of hurting the people I love, I am sorry for being so selfish, and with your support, hopefully I should be going at the right direction by now. Please allow me time to earn your love and respect agan.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Public Apology for Fraud
I have misused the trust of my client and have hurt my business partners and friends. Please allow me to amend this terrible situation to ensure that this does not happen again. I thank all those who have come out to support me. I would greatly appreciate some privacy as I resolve this situation.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Sorry It's Valentine's Day
Sorry, it's Valentine's Day! The time of the year when you can't stand me being so cheesy and being in love with you all over again. I can't help it. Valentine's just brings out the romantic with me and my heart can't help but tell the whole world how much I love you.
I would like to apologize however for missing out on all our anniversaries - that's why on Valentine's Day you have my full attention and my utmost devotion. I will pamper you to bits and take you out all night dancing and we'll paint the town red till the sun comes up. That's how we'll rock it baby! Hope you're ready because the 14th will the best lovefest the two of us will ever have. Chocolates, champagne and sweet music- everything you want baby! I love you, sweetheart.